Last week on the Mental Floss blog, they had an article about making "art" with Christmas lights using SLR cameras. I read it with interest, but at the time I was thinking, "This is the type of stuff that is fun for photographers because they get to play with their cameras, but the results aren't visually arresting enough to hold the viewer's interest." I didn't think I would try anything like this myself, until I arrived to my parents' house last night to find that my mother had not one, not two, but three Christmas trees in the house. I just happened to bring my camera are my mom's three Christmas trees, in order, not quite looking like Christmas trees.
Unas capturas tan originales como hermosas. A mi, particularmente, me encanta trabajar con el diafragma cerrado y a exposición de más de 2 segundos. Enhorabuena y Feliz años nuevo!!
This is all my work. I took these pictures. I, me, mine. However, having said that, I don't Photoshop watermarks on my pictures because I don't believe in it- the practice reminds me of a jealous dog pissing on everything. I slapped a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 Unported license on this page because I'm really pretty much a socialist and don't care how much my pictures are "borrowed" provided credit is given (*cough* link back to this site) and no one else makes money off my work. Other than that...if you can translate Latin send me a message.
Unas capturas tan originales como hermosas. A mi, particularmente, me encanta trabajar con el diafragma cerrado y a exposición de más de 2 segundos. Enhorabuena y Feliz años nuevo!!